What is Stone Medicine?
Stone Medicine, a vibrational healing practice, has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In this ancient healing system, the mineral content of stones and crystals is highly valued, alongside plant and herbal remedies.
Taoist Stone Medicine is an oral transmission taught by Jeffery C. Yuen. Dr. Yuen is the eighty-eighth generation lineage holder of the Jade Purity School of Daoism, the teacher of my teacher Sarah Thomas, LAc, who owns the Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine.
It is a sacred tradition, for it profoundly honors universal consciousness within all things. Its foundation is observing nature and treating it with the homeopathic principles of like-cures-like.
Stone Medicine holds significant empirical value, a testament to its practicality and effectiveness. This value is particularly evident in its application to the practioner and the clients receving it.
Taoist Stone Medicine is an oral transmission taught by Jeffery C. Yuen. Dr. Yuen is the eighty-eighth generation lineage holder of the Jade Purity School of Daoism, the teacher of my teacher Sarah Thomas, LAc, who owns the Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine.
It is a sacred tradition, for it profoundly honors universal consciousness within all things. Its foundation is observing nature and treating it with the homeopathic principles of like-cures-like.
Stone Medicine holds significant empirical value, a testament to its practicality and effectiveness. This value is particularly evident in its application to the practioner and the clients receving it.
What is Alchemical Healing?
Simply put, Alchemy is defined as turning lead into gold, and healing means making whole what is broken.
Alchemical Healing works with shadow material, early childhood wounding, traumas experienced, and genetic, ancestral, and karmic contracts to access them, acknowledge them, and, with guidance, transform them into understanding and meaning. Transmuting suffering into acceptance and self-compassion.
Alchemical Healing works with shadow material, early childhood wounding, traumas experienced, and genetic, ancestral, and karmic contracts to access them, acknowledge them, and, with guidance, transform them into understanding and meaning. Transmuting suffering into acceptance and self-compassion.
What is Ritual?
Within healing work for body, mind, and spirit, creating repetition with ritual is vital to signal to the wounded self that it is safe to dive deep into the experience, feelings, and the ability to trust ever-expanding intuition. Ritual shifts the energy of the room and participants and allow us to be present and available to a connection to a higher consciousness. It prepares space for intimacy with the Divine part of ourselves.
What is Cranio Sacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy was pioneered and developed by John E. Upledger. Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach to evaluating and enhancing the craniosacral system, which is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
CST is a complementary treatment that releases tensions deep in the body to help reduce pain, relieve dysfunction, and improve whole-body health and performance. By facilitating the body's natural and innate healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive healthcare.
CST is a complementary treatment that releases tensions deep in the body to help reduce pain, relieve dysfunction, and improve whole-body health and performance. By facilitating the body's natural and innate healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive healthcare.